How Is Technology Creating the Best Security for K-12 Schools?

A shift is happening in the security industry because of a tighter alignment of technology and the need to protect the K-12 school environments. By taking an open approach at looking at this need for security for schools from the more traditional managed of security to a new, thought-provoking stream of conversation around “controlled situational awareness.”

This emerging concept of “controlled situational awareness” with securing and protecting K-12 students using technology at the highest levels in history while still supporting and promoting the freedom to learn and grow in an educational environment without interference or friction. Top security officials at K-12 schools across the U.S. have called out “controlled situational awareness” as among their most arduous challenges for today’s school systems.

Expectations are constantly changing. Security staffs are expected to see, yet without necessarily being seen, without being constricting to students or parents.

Upgrading the Security in Older Buildings

 Another aspect of the changing nature of the security in K-12 schools is the challenge of deploying new security technology in buildings of all ages – from new to 100 years old.  As a result, some technologies simply cannot easily – or inexpensively – be installed. But Advanced Network Connections has the experience to bring any school complex into compliance with our staff of highly train Engineers and Technicians.

  • Surveillance Cameras
  • Door Access Systems
  • Audio Alert Systems
  • Two Way Communications
  • Wireless Internet
  • Fiber Optic Communications

Our entire staff are constantly being trained by our security manufactures on the best practices and in deploying the best technology developments and upgrade paths and orchestrating multi-phased deployments over time.

So, what is that cost of truly securing and protecting the students, while offering them freedom to learn? One end-user at a large school district in the Massachusetts recently shared with us, “you need to make our schools to be as secure as a prison, but not feel like it.”

Advancements in technology, including threat detection, surveillance systems, facial recognition, open communications, door access, all used for physical security measures, are reshaping the security for today’s schools.

To find out how your School System cans start using the latest in advanced security, just CALL (508-297-2632) to set-up a FREE Site Survey or Email @  to find out how you can get this awesome technology protecting your school system today.

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